10 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Trees

Quick Interesting Fact: Did you know that trees are the oldest living organisms on the surface of the earth? Now you know! Today, there are some trees like the bristlecone pine, that are over 4000 years old! 

The existence of trees is important to the existence of all other living organisms because they are the primal agents of oxygen production. As you already know oxygen is important for animals’ respiration. 

Trees give the earth its natural landscape, provide shade to human beings, offer shelter to wild animals and absorb carbon dioxide from animals. With trees offering numerous benefits, it is astonishing how the number of trees has been decreasing in recent years.  

One of the reasons there’s been a decline in the numbers of trees on the earth’s surface is poor maintenance of planted trees. In this article, we take a quick dive on how to care for tress to ensure they live long.

Here are 10 practical tips on maintaining healthy trees: 

1) Watering – Trees need water to grow. They require it in different amounts depending on their size and age. If your tree has been neglected or drought conditions have occurred, then it will be essential to water your trees regularly. Watering will prevent it from drying up.

2) Fertilizer – Trees need fertilizer to grow. Fertilizers provide trees with nutrients like potassium, phosphorous and nitrogen that are essential in trees’ growth. Fertilizers can be applied as a liquid or granular type. For most types of trees, apply once every year. You may want to fertilize your trees more frequently if you notice any signs of disease.

3) Pest Control – Many pests attack trees. These include insects and fungi. Insects do damage by sucking sap from the trees. Diseases cause leaves to turn yellow, die off, and fall. To keep these problems under control, use insecticides and fungicide sprays.

4) Pruning – Prune dead branches, thin out crowded areas, and remove damaged parts. Doing this will encourage new growth and improve the overall appearance. 

5) Mulching – Mulch helps retain moisture and keeps weeds away. Apply mulch around the base of the trunk and along with the roots.

6) Tree Trimming – Trim back branches that are touching each other or getting too close to power lines. Trimming will prevent them from breaking during windstorms.

7) Maintaining Soil Health – Healthy soil means healthy trees. Add organic matter such as composted manure or aged sawdust to enrich the soil. Avoid adding nitrogen-rich manures such as blood meal or fish emulsion because they damage the soil’s PH.

8) Disease Prevention – Some diseases cannot be prevented, but others can. Keep an eye out for symptoms including wilting, brown spots, leaf drop, and sooty mold. Remove infected parts immediately.

9) Proper Lighting – Provide enough light to allow photosynthesis to occur. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves of young trees. Position your lighting so that it does not shine directly onto the trunks of large trees.

10) Weeding – Weeds compete with your trees for nutrients and moisture. Remove weeds near trees (at least 1.5ft radius) to avoid damaging roots and help the tree get maximum nutrients.


You should now have a better understanding of how to care for your trees. Remember to always take good care of your trees, and they’ll reward you with breathtaking landscaping for years to come! Taking care of your trees is an investment in the health of the planet and provide a safe haven to those who live on it.

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