Proper Care for a Newly Planted Tree

Did you know an average of at least 500 trees per person is required to match the amount of carbon dioxide emitted every year? So, congratulations on planting your first tree; it will serve generations to come! The ball does not stop rolling at just planting a tree. Knowing how to properly care for the newly planted tree is vital, especially with the unpredictable climate we face today. 

Caring for a tree the right way will ensure that it is strong, firmly rooted, and resistant to most pests and diseases. With the proper care, trees can live for generations to come. 

But how do you take care of a newly planted tree? Read on to find out five quick tips for proper care that is proven and tested by a professional tree service company

Five Ways to Care for a Newly Planted Tree

Before you can plant, it’s essential to ensure you have the right tree and grow it in the right place. A good rule of thumb is to choose a tree between 3-5 years old. It allows the tree time to develop roots before being planted.

The next step is to prepare the area where you intend to plant the tree. Make sure there are no rocks or other objects that could damage the root system. After ensuring all lights are green, apply the following five great ways to ensure the tree survives: 

1) Watering:

After planting, watering should be done regularly to prevent the roots from drying out. It is recommended to water the tree once or twice a week for the first few months until the root system has developed. If you are unsure when to water, check the soil moisture level by digging around the base of the plant. You can use a soil probe if you have one.

2) Fertilizing:

Fertilize the tree as soon as possible after planting. Fertilizing will help the tree grow faster and more robust. A good fertilizer for new plants is 10-10-10, which contains Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), and Potassium (K). These nutrients are essential for healthy growth. Use fertilizers according to the directions on the package. Do not apply too much fertilizer as this may cause a nutrient burn.

3) Pruning:

Prune off any dead branches immediately after planting. Dead branches take up space and make the tree more vulnerable to pests. They can also dry out quickly, causing the trunk to split.

4) Pest Control:

It is crucial to watch out for pests such as aphids, scale insects, mites, and slugs. There are two main types of pesticides used for trees, Organophosphates and Carbamates—both work by disrupting nerve function. The safest option is to choose organic pesticides. Organic pesticides contain natural ingredients and are safe for people, pets, and the environment. 

5) Mulching:

Mulch helps retain moisture and keeps weeds away. Using mulch will also add beauty to the garden. Different materials like wood chips, leaves, hay, sawdust, straw, or pine needles are great choices. Just remember to remove the mulch before winter.


Trees are important in our environment. They help reduce effects of climate change that the world has been witnessing in the recent past. The more trees you plant, the more you are contributing towards improving the environment!

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